For the first time, you don’t have to be an optimist to see the glass as half full. The recovery has finally taken hold, the economy is growing at its fastest pace in 6 years and Inflation is now as low as it has been since 2009. Jobs are being created at a rate of 60,000 per month.
The UK economy expanded by 0.8% in 2013 Q3 and business surveys point to continued robust growth in Q4. The gathering pace of expansion during 2013 was supported by an increase in domestic demand. That reflects both an improvement in credit conditions — for example, rates on new loans to households have fallen significantly over the past year — and a reduction in uncertainty. The easing of these headwinds has supported consumer spending and helped to revive the housing market: housing activity and prices increased and housing investment rose robustly in the first half of this year. Leading indicators suggest that housing activity is likely to strengthen further in the near term.
Talking by numbers, Pound reached the level of 1.5879 as low before the inflation report with uncertain expectations about it. Just after the inflation report of BOE sterling hit the level of 1.6002 as day high, with more than 90 points movement during report releasing time.
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American stocks indices in-bounding today but staying on the same mid-term bullish trend from the past week accompanied with investor’s optimism about U.S. economy which is showing a good performance during the last two weeks.
In briefly, Dow Jones Industrial index scored 15750 as day high, recorded at the early morning just before starting the hourly decline shown on the performance graph scoring 15698 as day’s low and supported at the range of 15700. Mini S&P 500 which showed a big jump on Friday is in-bounding on the Daily base graph reaching 1762.75 with less than 28 points variance from the high to be traded on the average of 1764.00. NASDAQ index pointed till today week’s low at 3344.25 and 3358.00 as day’s high, with a low volatility and trading volume NASDAQ still refusing to break the level 3345 as closing price.
FTSE 100, is doing well compared with the total U.K. economy rising to 6726.0 on Monday as high, opening at 6683.0 reaching 6700.5 as day’s high. Staying in the same region CAC 40 Index is going down from 4279.5 as day’s high scoring low of 4254.5.
NIKKEI 225, the Japanese index is going up with strong bullish trend started on Friday to open at 14420 today down 10 points to score the low at 14410 then started to gain reaching the high of 14590 proving the strength of the Japanese economy.
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