WTI on three days high, Brent decline
Texas Intermediate crude pared gains amid speculation that an Obama
administration ruling on U.S. fuel exports would have limited impact on global
markets. Brent’s premium narrowed as Iraq pledged to increase exports.
WTI was traded 0.4 percent higher in New York, trimming an earlier advance of as much as
1.4%. Brent declined 0.7% in London, narrowing its spread against WTI to the least in a week. The
Commerce Department granted Pioneer Natural Resources Co.’s request to classify
stabilized condensates as petroleum products eligible for export, the company
said. Oil production in Iraq remained unaffected as the government promised
higher crude exports in July. Crude stockpiles reached 399.4 million barrels in
April, the highest level since the EIA started publishing weekly data in 1982.
Inventories probably fell by 1.7 million barrels.
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